Texas Doctor Eric Hensenā€™s License Suspended by Texas Medical Board

civilrights covid-19 dr. eric hensen fireduptxlawyer lawsuit mandates paul davis texasmedicalboard Mar 30, 2023


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The Texas Medical Board recently suspended the medical license of Dr. Eric Hensen, a respected ear, nose, and throat surgeon based in Palestine, Texas. This decision was made after Dr. Hensen was allegedly forced to sign an "unlawful" settlement agreement under duress at the threat of losing his medical practice and license permanently.

Dr. Hensen's suspension has caused an uproar in the medical community, with many supporting him and his efforts to fight back against the suspension. He has hired our law firm to represent him in the case.

According to Dr. Hensen, the Texas Medical Board did not have the authority to discipline him or impose a remedial plan. He maintains that the board's actions were unlawful and have unfairly impacted his ability to practice medicine. Dr. Hensen believes that the penalties imposed upon him were in excess of the maximum fine allowed by applicable executive orders.

Furthermore, Dr. Hensen has accused the Texas Medical Board of defaming him on his medical profile by stating that he was deceiving and defrauding the public. This action has further complicated the situation and has made it difficult for Dr. Hensen to meet the alleged requirements.

Dr. Hensen is the only medical professional in his rural town, and he simply did not have the time or resources to meet the "NON"-disciplinary requirements imposed upon him by the Texas Medical Board. He maintains that these requirements are unjust and are causing him undue hardship, basically destroying his life forever over a mask mandate that was rescinded when Governor Abbott 

Dr. Hensen's suspension has also sparked outrage from many who believe that the Texas Medical Board is overreaching in its authority during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Dr. Hensen, Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton made it clear in their respective executive orders and opinions that officials and jurisdictions could not exceed the civil or criminal penalties specified in the executive orders during the COVID-19 disaster.

As of now, Dr. Hensen's medical license remains suspended, and he is fighting back against the Texas Medical Board's decision. He is urging supporters to donate to his litigation fund, which can be found at GiveSendGo.

The case of Dr. Hensen is a cautionary tale for medical professionals in Texas and beyond. It highlights the need for fair and just disciplinary procedures and the importance of ensuring that medical boards do not overstep their authority.


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